Each therapist in this directory states she or he is actively participating on a DBT Team and has, at a minimum, a two-day training in DBT. When relevant to the treatment needs, each therapist will be using behavior analyses, diary cards, and skills training (see Skills Group pageto apply the DBT change, acceptance, and dialectical strategies.

Intensively trained DBT clinicians have completed the 65 hour training over 6 months, with trainers authorized by Marsha Linehan, as a team with many additional hours in study, program development and presentation to acquire, strengthen and generalize the DBT skills and strategies.  Post-docs and graduate interns in DBT training programs are equivalent.

NOTE: If you are seeking a therapist for someone who has self-harmed in the last 12 months, it is strongly recommended that they be in treatment with an intensively trained DBT therapist who is currently participating in a DBT Consultation Team.